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  • China has the second largest child population in the world, accounting for approximately one eighth of the world’s population of children under age five.
  • Since 2000, the country has made significant investments in reducing child mortality, child malnutrition and the risk of poor childhood development.
  • The early Human Capability Index (eHCI) has been adapted for use in China and has been implemented in a number of provinces, both urban and rural, to better understand, monitor and work to improve children’s early development.
  • Data has been collected on more than 200,000 children aged 3 to 5 years as part of ongoing work to monitor the country’s progress over time.
  • The eHCI is an open-source, free-of-charge, easy-to-use survey tool that can be completed by parents/caregivers, childcare workers, teachers, allied health and other health or early childhood practitioners.
  • At least 12 countries are now using the eHCI to measure early childhood development, adapted to their own language and culture. As well as China, these countries include include Brazil, Bulgaria, India, Indonesia, Kiribati, Lao PDR, Peru, Samoa, Tajikistan, Tonga, and Tuvalu.
Telethon Kids Institute